Access control system for health & fitness clubs
The complete solution for access control

Access control system for health & fitness clubs

Simple for your gym, easy for your members

Monitor member access and eliminate fraud

An ongoing challenge for health & fitness clubs is to provide easy access to members coupled with real-time monitoring to ensure security and prevent fraud. During the next few months, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, gyms must streamline member access. At the same time, they have to assure members that gym access is controlled and monitored by the gym’s employees.

An access control system integrated with the management software solves all these issues generated by COVID-19 and also yields many additional benefits that justify the initial investment.

Though we don’t necessarily like to think about this, many times members break the rules and give their membership to someone else. There are also cases when people take advantage of crowds at the reception desk to avoid checking-in and enter the gym even if they don’t have an active membership. With an access control system, all these incidents are entirely avoided, because members can only enter the gym if they have an active membership.

Fast access for members

Members can check into the gym on their own with the member app, by scanning the QR code, and they don't have to hand over their member card at the reception desk.

Streamlined activity for the gym

If you eliminate the plastic member cards, you no longer have to scan cards at the reception desk. That means less work for your team.

Increased security

Only members with an active membership can enter the gym. No one can pass through the turnstiles if they don't have an active membership.

Save money

Access automation means fewer employees required at the reception desk, which saves a considerable amount of money each month.

You know exactly who goes in

Every entry is saved into the system in real-time, which means you can keep track of the number of people inside at any moment.

Eliminate fraud

Using only the digital member card in the app, the system flags suspicious activity, and you can easily identify people that "lend" their membership to others.

Are you interested in more information about access control systems?
Are you interested in more information about access control systems?

If you want to find out what exactly is an access control system and what are its benefits for your gym's daily activity, download our free e-book. This overview has all the details you need about member flow, equipment and advice on how to set up such a system in your fitness club.

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Useful and necessary

An access control system is a necessity for every gym

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, gyms must rethink their member access flow:

  • Members should have fast access with minimum contact with your employees
  • Members should use contactless methods of access, which means you can no longer use biometric control methods like fingerprints or palmprints
  • Members should not have to hand over their member card to your employees so that they can avoid direct contact
  • Members should not have to wait for someone at the reception desk to validate their access manually
An access control system is a necessity for every gym
Real-time monitoring

Validate member access based on their membership

A crucial aspect of your activity is strict control over club access. You must be able to supervise in real-time who enters the gym, how many people are inside at any given moment, and how long each member stays. If there is an issue, your management team must be able to quickly extract a list with all members that were inside the gym at a particular moment, so that they can be notified directly.

Implementing an access control solution results in immediately eliminating fraud and increasing security. With an access control system, members can enter the gym only if they have an active membership. There are no more exceptions and no more chances of members "lending" their member card to others or entering unnoticed during peak hours.

Validate member access based on their membership
Eliminate keys and plastic cards

Smart locks for all your lockers

After members enter the club, they need access to a cabinet in the locker-room. The cheapest solution would be installing locks with keys, but this has multiple disadvantages – keys can be lost, they are handed over from one person to another, and they are hard to clean and disinfect.

An excellent solution that doesn't require a large budget are smart locks with an access code. Members can pick their own cabinet and punch in a code when they wish to lock it. The same code is then used to unlock the cabinet.

Smart locks for all your lockers
Easy to setup

A complete solution that is easily deployed


An access control system for gyms and health & fitness clubs means access control equipment and software that manages in real-time that equipment.

The access control system must be integrated with the gym's software because it is the only way to validate member access in real-time. The system allows members to enter the location, only after it checks the database to make sure they have an active membership. This way, you eliminate human error and streamline member access.

Free expert advice

We help you determine the perfect solution for your gym - the necessary equipment, setting up the access flow, and access areas

Equipment with friendly prices

You can order the necessary equipment from us, at very competitive prices - turnstiles, access controllers, smart locks

Setup with no headaches

Our partners handle the installing and configuration of the equipment, and you won't have to do anything

Fast deployment

Deploying the system and connecting it to is very fast

We are delighted they are part of the family

Our clients' opinion

Top-of-the-range software for excellent results

Software that perfectly adapts to your gym's activity

Each gym is unique. That is why has a wide range of services, tools, and features that perfectly match your business.

Regardless of how you manage your gym or fitness club activity, can be customized so it's easy to use for your team and simple for your members.

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