Why UPfit.cloud is the only gym management software that you’ll ever need
Everything you need to manage your gym

Why UPfit.cloud is the only gym management software that you’ll ever need

Management software and online services

With UPfit.cloud you have excellent management software, online services for members and mobile apps

UPfit.cloud is a smart online platform that helps gyms grow by simplifying their daily activity and improving member engagement. More precisely, it is a gym management software that unifies all the tools a fitness club needs: operational, financial, online services for members and marketing.

With our software platform, you can quickly provide members with online services, without additional investments: dedicated online member account, group fitness class schedule directly on your website and the option of purchasing memberships online.

Provide members with free online services

You get mobile apps for both members and trainers

Easier to use than other software on the market

You can access UPfit.cloud from anywhere, at any time, fast and secure

Keep track of the entire activity in your fitness club, in real-time, with ease

You have access to a detailed Help Center and a professional support team

A mobile app for your gym’s members
Delighted members and reduced workload for your team

A mobile app for your gym’s members

Provide members with more control over their activity at the gym using the UPfit.today mobile app. This way, your members can manage their entire activity straight from their phone: they can book classes, cancel bookings, renew their membership, access all the information about your fitness club and get notified of any change.

The mobile app is one of the easiest ways to streamline the activity at the reception desk, while also surprising members with state-of-the-art services. They will save time and manage their activity on their own, whenever they want, not just only when the reception desk is opened.

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Mobile app for your  trainers
Simplify the work of your trainers

Mobile app for your trainers

The UPfit.team mobile app provides all the features your trainers need, directly on their phone. With UPfit.team your trainers can set the periods when they are available in the gym, they can schedule PT sessions for their clients, they can keep track of their client list and sell them PT packages. All their activity reports are also available in the app so that they can always know their revenue.

Your trainers should be in the gym with your members, not on a computer. With the UPfit.team app they can organize their work a lot easier, using their phone, they can focus more on their clients and not depend on their colleagues at the reception desk to schedule their PT sessions or perform other tasks for them.

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No headaches

Simple member management

The entire member database is extremely easy to manage. Each member has a detailed profile with all the necessary details, including contact information, membership and service history and the entire activity history.

It is essential that your team at the reception desk can easily find any member in the database in a matter of seconds and have all the necessary information in the same place.

Simple member management
All the reports you need
From expiring members to daily sales

All the reports you need

You can quickly generate any report you might need so that you have full control over your entire business. From memberships about to expire to daily sales and activity reports for your trainers, all the essential information is just a click away.

You cannot make the right decisions for your gym unless you have all the data about your business. With UPfit.cloud you have all the data you need, in real-time, regarding your gym's activity, and you can decide on any issue with all the information on hand.

Member contracts and invoices are no longer a bother

Automatically generated documents

Member contracts are automatically generated after each membership sales, and if it’s necessary, you can issue a fiscal or a proforma invoice with just a button. For every transaction at the reception desk, the gym management software automatically issues the fiscal receipt, so the entire sale process is even faster.

Because all the necessary documents are generated automatically based on the information in the management software, you won’t need any other document management program for these tasks. The risk of human error is nonexistent since your employees don’t have to fill in any document.

  • Member contracts and addendums
  • Service clipcard contracts and addendums
  • Fiscal invoices for all transactions
  • Petty cash register and all necessary documents
  • Inventory management documents - GRNs and requisition forms
Automatically generated documents
Free e-books for the success of your gum

We have created dozens of free e-books with information and useful tips for ambitious gyms, that are willing to use all the tools available to increase their business and the number of members.

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Automatic emails for members and employees
Simple and fast communication

Automatic emails for members and employees

For any change on their account, members automatically receive emails with all the information they need. When a member books a class or schedules a PT session, UPfit.cloud automatically sends confirmation emails to both member and trainer. If a member purchases a membership, they automatically receive an email with all the details about the membership, the login credentials for online services and the member contract.

With automatic emails, you can easily communicate with members without increasing the workload of your employees. That way, members are always notified of any change, and your team saves valuable time because they don’t have to inform each member every time there is a change.

Simple management and online bookings for members

Easy management for group fitness classes

The group fitness class schedule is very easy to set up, based on the class list, instructors and studios configured in the system. You cannot schedule two classes at the same time in the same studio or with the same instructor. The class schedule is synced with the entire activity of the instructor, including the PT sessions. No matter how many changes you perform on the schedule in the gym management app, the website widget is automatically updated in real-time.

Once you have configured the class schedule, you don’t have to waste time managing it. With the website widget, you are confident your members always know when their favourite classes are scheduled.

Easy management for group fitness classes
Personal Training without obstacles
Easily coordinate your trainers

Personal Training without obstacles

PT services are a lot easier to manage with a dedicated module. The entire activity of trainers is in one place, from their availability for sessions, to the scheduled PT sessions, client list and PT packages purchased by members. The PT calendar is synced with the class schedule, so there are no errors when scheduling PT sessions. The trainer activity reports are automatically generated based on the information saved in the management platform.

You can keep track of your trainers’ activity a lot easier, at the reception desk so that you won’t waste time scheduling PT sessions. There is no risk for mistakes or misunderstandings since the PT calendar is synced with the class schedule, and all tasks can be performed with ease.

Online member account
Impressive online services

Online member account

Provide members with the option of keeping track of their activity with any device. The online member account can be accessed from your gym’s website on any laptop, tablet or phone. Members have access to all the information they require including class schedule, where they can book their favourite classes, access details about their current membership, including its end date. They can check the price list for memberships and services, and they can renew their membership directly from their account.

The online member account is very intuitive and easy to use, so all members will be able to access it without any problems. What is more, you can recruit more members with no effort, by allowing them to register on your website and purchase a membership online.

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Online payments for memberships and services
Increase sales effortlessly

Online payments for memberships and services

With the online payment platform created by UPfit.cloud, you can sell memberships and services so much faster. Our gym management software is integrated with online payment processing platforms and allows members to renew their membership online, in seconds. Once the online payment is confirmed, the membership is automatically activated, and the member receives the invoice and contract via email, also automatically. This way, they can access the gym immediately.

Online payments are available in the UPfit.today mobile app, the online member account, as well as through the dedicated website widget. Trainers can also sell PT packages using the UPfit.team app.

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Find out more about the UPfit.cloud platform

During a 30-minute demo session, we can show you how our platform can help you expand your gym. Join other fitness clubs that are already taking advantage of the benefits provided by our software to increase the number of members and streamline their entire activity.

Contact us for more details

Live fitness classes
Your gym in the living room of all members

Live fitness classes

Start live-streaming fitness classes to provide members with your gym’s unique experience at home. With the UPfit.cloud solution you don’t need sophisticated programs or an extended deployment timeframe.

Our gym management software is integrated with a wide range of streaming platforms so that you can make the right choice for your business and budget. The live classes are streamed in the online member account. There, members can check the live class schedule, book live classes and watch the recordings whenever they want.

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Online training videos
Train members wherever they are

Online training videos

With UPfit.cloud, you can create a video library with workouts performed by your trainers exclusively for your gym’s members. Out management software is integrated with many video hosting platforms, with different price plans. The video library is available in the online member account, and it can be accessed for free or only by members with an active membership.

The service is effortless to set up, and it doesn’t require complicated equipment or advanced tech skills. The library’s interface looks impeccable on desktop, as well as on tablets, mobile phones and even smart TV.

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Access control system
The complete solution for your fitness club

Access control system

An access control system must be fully integrated with the gym management software. The solution provided by UPfit.cloud includes a wide range of equipment, depending on the access flow. A member enters the gym by scanning the digital card from the mobile app on the turnstiles. They don’t even have to wait at the reception desk to have their access validated.

All our solutions are completely integrated with our gym management software, which means member access is validated against the database, and those they should not enter the gym, are denied access.

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Locker management
Eliminate maintenance costs for lockers

Locker management

You can immediately scrap maintenance costs for locker room cabinets with an automated system. The Lockers module in UPfit.cloud provides with control of each cabinet in the system. This way, you always know what member uses which cabinet, and if someone leaves the gym with the key, you can quickly recover it. What is more, members no longer have to leave a personal object at the reception desk in exchange for the locker key.

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Online bookings for fitness classes
Advanced system for group training

Online bookings for fitness classes

Increase the attendance rate for group fitness classes with an efficient online booking system. Members can use the mobile app, the schedule widget on the website or the online member account to book their favourite classes. All reservations are automatically saved in the management system, and members receive the booking confirmation immediately via email. These bookings are just as easy to cancel by members, and every task is automatically saved in the gym management app.

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Electronic signature for contracts
Save time and money

Electronic signature for contracts

All member contracts issued at the reception desk can be signed electronically on a dedicated tablet. Then the document is saved automatically in the database, and you don’t have to print it out and archive it. Once the contract is signed, it is automatically sent to the member via email with all signatures enclosed.

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Top-of-the-range software for excellent results

Software that perfectly adapts to your gym's activity

Each gym is unique. That is why UPfit.cloud has a wide range of services, tools, and features that perfectly match your business.

Regardless of how you manage your gym or fitness club activity, UPfit.cloud can be customized so it's easy to use for your team and simple for your members.

We are delighted they are part of the UPfit.cloud family

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Insights and useful information for expanding your business

UPfit Blog

What are recurring payments, and how to use them at your gym

Imagine your gym members would never have to bother with renewing their membership ever again because it would renew itself automatically, immediately after it expires? Well, you too can provide your members with this option.

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Why should you invest in a mobile app for your gym

Technology and fitness go hand in hand. from training gadgets to gym machine integrations or management platforms. A mobile app for your gym is the next logical step to expand your business and recruit new members easier.

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5 marketing campaign ideas for your fitness center this summer

As temperatures rise, it's time to gear up for the summer season. We all know that summer months are the "slowest" for a fitness club, not because people exercise a lot, but because members prefer going on vacation rather than hitting the gym.

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Free guides for your gym

We have created a series of free guides that will help expand your gym: advice on increasing sales, lead management, optimising your online marketing strategy, creating a corporate program, and so much more. There are dozens of e-books and guides with useful information and ideas for ambitious gyms, that are willing to use all the tools available to grow their business and recruit more members.

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Free guides for your gym
Grow your fitness business now

Business guides for your fitness center

No matter what kind of fitness business you have, whether you just opened your first gym or you already have a well-established club, any moment is an excellent occasion to improve your business and streamline your operations.

Check out other guides that will teach you how to manage your fitness center better.

Increase sales with online memberships

Increase sales with online memberships

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How to open a fitness center

How to open a fitness center

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Member management simplified

Member management simplified

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Access control systems for gyms

Access control systems for gyms

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Improve retention with efficient communication

Improve retention with efficient communication

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Streamline your gym's reception desk

Streamline your gym's reception desk

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Gym digitization for everyone

Gym digitization for everyone

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Sales strategies that are easy to use

Sales strategies that are easy to use

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Marketing ideas for any gym

Marketing ideas for any gym

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Group classes & personal training

Group classes & personal training

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