Online services

How to convince your gym members to use your digital services

How to convince your gym members to use your digital services
Written by MIHAELA Published on 2023-02-27 3 minutes read

Have you finally decided to invest in online tools for your members, and, despite the effort, most of your member base doesn't use them? Even if they would save so much of their time? What do you do then?

This is one of the issues that many of our clients encounter after they start offering various online tools to their members.

Depending on your gym, the average member age might be lower, so you are more likely to convince your members to use all your online services.

But what do you do when most of your member base prefers "old-school" methods like queueing up at the front desk or calling your staff whenever they have questions?

If this describes most of your members, they will need a little help getting used to the technology and digital services you provide.

Many operators tend to give up these services when they see that most members don't use them.

I believe that is not the right approach. As you can undoubtedly notice, digitization is one of the super-trends of this century, and it will certainly not go away any time soon.

So, why not help members get used to these tools? At the end of the day, one of the main benefits of online services is that they save time and are much more convenient for both your members and staff.

So, how can you go about doing that?

Streamline the onboarding

First of all, make sure the online services you provide are as simple and user-friendly as possible.

For instance, if members need help from your staff to get their login information, they are not very user-friendly.

These online services must save time, make life easier, and not complicate it.

Therefore, purchasing a membership online should not be more complicated than buying a regular product from an online shop. Likewise, registering as a new member should not involve filling out forms with dozens of fields.

Highlight security

Many who have reservations about online services worry about security, particularly when purchasing online. For example, how secure is the website or the app where they must fill in their bank details?

That is why it's so important to work with a reliable online payment processor with experience in this area that has taken all necessary security measures. But, then, remember to explain this to your members, even if they don't come up and ask you this directly.

Online payments

Explain how it works

This is also the most efficient way to convince members to use online services. You can post on social media to explain in detail how to log into the online account, the app, or the procedure to buy memberships online.

Don't forget posters you can put at the reception desk, in the locker rooms and in other gym areas. Use them to explain these services in detail. You can also send emails that include links to your online services.

Get your staff to help

Instruct your team to mention these services when members prefer to use the "old" methods.

When someone wants to renew their membership at the front desk, your staff can mention that next time, they can do this online, and it's easier.

If a member calls to book a class after they register the booking, your receptionist can mention that members can also book classes online, from your club's website, in the app, or on the member portal.

This way, the information is imparted organically during a moment when the member actually pays attention. Then, if they have follow-up questions, your staff can help them on the spot.

A quick catch-up...

It's not enough to simply invest in digital services for your fitness club. You must also put in the work to convince your members to use it. It's not a complicated process, but you do have to give it time and some resources.

Teach your members how to use them, highlight security and get your staff involved so you can better promote all your tools.

Once members renew their membership online or use the app to make a booking, they will continue doing so in the long run. Once they understand how it works, they will no longer be interested in waiting in line at the front desk or calling your staff.

And the good news is that once most members start using these online services, you will truly see the benefits of this investment. And you will be pleasantly surprised.


Mihaela is the most sociable member of the UPfit team and loves to learn new things from people. That is why she chose a career in customer support. However, she thinks this activity should be more than just an answer to a problem. Instead, it should foresee any challenge the client might be facing. That is precisely why she likes to think of herself as a customer care specialist and not just customer support. And that is exactly why she is the favorite of all our clients.

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