The importance of your front desk

5 skills you should look for in a good receptionist for your gym

5 skills you should look for in a good receptionist for your gym
Written by COSMIN Published on 2020-08-05 3 minutes read

The first impression is important in any circumstance, and for gyms, this usually happens at the reception desk. That is why it's crucial to hire the right people to greet your members and potential clients.

The reception desk people are also the face of your gym, which means they are some of the most important employees. Therefore you must choose the right people, that will create an excellent experience for members, from the beginning. Here are some skills that a good receptionist should have.

Excellent communication skills

Of course, a good receptionist should be great at communicating with people. And I am not talking about the fact that they can speak non-stop. They should know exactly what to say in any situation and provide the right solution or recommendation, no matter the client or member..

A talented receptionist knows how to solve any issue or at least make sure someone else is fixing that problem.
To look and behave like a professional

As I said before, first impressions are very important, and the person at the front desk is part of that experience. That is why it's crucial that when a member enters the gym, they see a clean reception desk and a person that smiles and looks impeccable.

Your gym is a brand, and that should be apparent everywhere, including the way your employees look, particularly at the front desk. That is why your employees should wear t-shirts with your gym logo, which should be fitted for them.

Everyone entering the gym should be greeted with a smile and a warm welcome. Even when the reception desk is crowded, it doesn't mean newcomers should be ignored until their turn.

A simple" Hello, I'll be with you in a moment" can make a world of difference, and the person waiting will be more patient.
To have tech skills

The team at the reception desk is not only in charge of greeting people and answer the phone. Your team must check members in, and make sure they have a valid membership, sell products, and memberships, and if need be, it should be able to answer any question.

That means they will be using management software and other platforms and programs used to manage the gym.

That is why your employees in this department must be tech-savvy. They will have to learn very quickly how to use management software, get familiarised with selling products and services, fiscal aspects, issuing invoices and contracts, daily closes, and even stock management.

If these tasks take a long time or are done incorrectly, then the activity at the front desk will be saddled, there will be queues and accounting issues.

To be organized

As I just mentioned, a receptionist must check members in the gym, make sales issue invoices, and many other tasks. That is why they must organize their time efficiently, so there will be no overcrowding.

When they have to perform several tasks simultaneously, they should immediately know how to triage each operation and take care of the most important one. They should not choke when confronted with multiple requests.

Online bookings classes

To work on their own without supervision

The capacity to handle any situation is also essential for a receptionist. There will always be unforeseen situations that must be solved, which will probably have to be taken care of by the reception desk. Usually, when there is an issue in the gym, members talk to the front desk. 

That is why the people working there should be able to manage any situation independently and should not require supervision.
A quick catch up...

The reception desk is one of the most important aspects of a gym that massively influences members and potential clients' experience. That is why you must be very careful when hiring people for this department.

They are the first and last people members see when they visit your gym. Therefore, you must ensure your team has all the necessary resources to create the very best impression, from beautiful uniforms to digital tools that will help them finish tasks faster.



Cosmin has the unique ability to provide not only the best solution for his clients but also to help them make the most of the tools they have. He spends his time in gyms and fitness centers, not only training but also observing and researching every operational aspect of this business.

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